Vickers Machine Gun Emplacement

Vickers Machine Gun Emplacement
A pair of Vickers MMG pillboxes, Riddings Copse, Ewshot, Hampshire
(Photo Tim Denton October 2009)

Key Facts

  • Rectangular square plan about 14ft x 14ft with chamfered corners on front face.
  • Built to shellproof specification with 51inch walls
  • Large stepped embrasure to accommodate a single mmg.
  • Doorway, normally on the left side (to line of fire), protected by a massive rectangular blast wall.
  • Large concrete table inside on which to mount the weapon on its tripod.
  • Air vent in rear wall.
  • Up to 3 rifle/bren lmg loopholes on side and/or rear walls.
  • Normally sited in pairs as a section of 2 guns.
  • On steep forward slopes, emplacements were often dug in with overhead earth camouflage cover.
A fine example of a concrete shuttered emplacement on GHQ Line B in Surrey showing its large stepped main embrasure
A fine example of a concrete shuttered emplacement on GHQ Line B in Surrey showing its large stepped main embrasure
  • Build variations can be found with different positioning of secondary loopholes and air vent, length and thickness of blastwall and design of main gun table.
  • The highest concentrations of the Vickers MMG emplacement can be found on the Taunton Stop line and GHQ Line A and B in both Hampshire and Surrey where at least 28 survive, mostly in pairs.