We corresponded a couple of weeks ago regarding a road block at Pear Tree lane, Little Common, Bexhill and you have added it to your gazetteer. Now, on the main road from Bexhill to Ninfield / Battle a pillbox has appeared! Somebody has recently cleared all the undergrowth from around it and fully exposed it, clearing all the inside as well. It appears to be in very good condition. Perhaps they have been in contact with you. I have used this road for more than 50 years and have not been aware of it! There is also a concrete cylinder in the ditch just north of the pillbox probably similar to the ones at the garage in Sidley 1/2 mile away? I’ve attached photos taken from a footpath and the road. The site appears on the “Open Street map”OS TQ 72780998. Hope this is also of interest as again I can’t find a reference to it on your database.
Chris Nason