Canmore ID: 296529
Site Number: ND39SW 121
Grid Reference: ND 33922 91339
Description: A small rectangular concrete building with three loopholes is situated above the high water mark about 101m NE of the Martello Tower at Hackness (ND39SW 8). The entrance is in the SE corner with the sockets for the hinges of the door still visible. The three loopholes are located on the other walls. The building measures about 3. 5m by 2. 8m overall and stands to about 3m. The shuttered concrete would appear to have been undertaken in two stages. The purpose of this building is unclear for if it was an observation post the loopholes would be too small for viewing, it may possibly be a pillbox. Visited by RCAHMS (DE) , 13 September 2008. 20/07/11 Visible on Google Streetview, status updated to Extant.
Source: CANMORE Record details
Original source text is copyright of the source and has been reproduced here under the principle of fair use.
Pictures from 2007.
PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086 PILLBOX: e10086